
Embark on a Voyage of Discovery: Unveiling the Komodo Experience

Indonesia’s Komodo National Park is more than just a destination; it’s a journey into a world of unparalleled natural beauty and adventure. With Yacht Charter Indonesia, you can immerse yourself in the wonders of this breathtaking archipelago with our personalized yacht charter itineraries. From visiting the legendary Komodo dragons to snorkeling or diving in pristine waters and relaxing on idyllic beaches, our carefully crafted journeys offer the ultimate Komodo experience..

Day 1: Labuan Bajo to Sebayur Island

Your Komodo adventure begins with a short domestic flight from Bali to Labuan Bajo in Flores. Upon arrival, a warm welcome awaits you as our representative greets you and escorts you to your luxurious yacht anchored in Labuan Bajo harbor. After settling in and enjoying welcome refreshments, embark on a leisurely sail to Sebayur Island, where you’ll spend the afternoon snorkeling or diving in the crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life. As the sun sets, savor a delicious onboard dinner before retiring to your comfortable cabin for the night.

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Day 2: Gili Lawa Darat 

Wake up to the gentle sway of the yacht and the stunning views of Komodo in the early morning light. After a sumptuous breakfast, set sail for Gili Lawa Darat, a savannah island renowned for its spectacular diving and snorkeling sites. Spend the day exploring the vibrant coral reefs and pristine beaches, or simply relax and soak up the sun on deck. In the afternoon, head south to Manta Point for a chance to swim with majestic manta rays before anchoring in Turtle Bay for the night. 

Samara 1 - Yacht Charter Indonesia - Luxury Boat Rental

Day 3: Pink Beach and Komodo Dragon Trek

Indulge in a leisurely breakfast before heading ashore to the iconic Pink Beach, named for its unique pink-hued sands created by crushed coral. Spend the morning snorkeling, diving, or trekking through the lush forests in search of Komodo dragons, guided by experienced park rangers. After an exhilarating adventure, return to the yacht for a delectable lunch and an afternoon of relaxation. In the evening, set sail for Toro Longkoi and anchor in a secluded bay for a peaceful night’s rest.

Anne Bonny - Yacht Charter Indonesia - Luxury Boat Rental Private Phinisi Komodo

Day 4: Manta Point and Underwater Wonders

After breakfast, embark on an unforgettable diving experience at Manta Point, home to magnificent manta rays performing their graceful underwater ballet. Explore the vibrant coral gardens and encounter an array of marine life before enjoying lunch onboard. Continue your underwater exploration at another dive site, where you’ll encounter turtles, reef sharks, and an abundance of tropical fish. End the day with a tranquil sunset cruise to a secluded bay for the night.

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Day 5: Nusa Kode and Wild Komodo Dragons

Today, venture to Nusa Kode, also known as Horseshoe Bay, where you’ll discover pristine diving spots teeming with rare marine species. Keep an eye out for wild Komodo dragons as you explore the island’s rugged terrain, and enjoy line fishing for a fresh catch of the day. After a day of adventure, relax on deck and watch the sunset over the horizon before anchoring for the night.

Mischief Voyage - Yacht Charter Indonesia - Luxury Boat Rental

Day 6: Padar Island and Beach Barbecue

Awaken to the breathtaking beauty of Padar Island, renowned for its deserted white beaches and stunning landscapes. Dive into the crystal-clear waters for a morning snorkel or dive, then indulge in a beach barbecue feast prepared by our onboard chef. Spend the afternoon partaking in water sports or simply lounging on the beach, soaking in the serenity of your surroundings. As night falls, enjoy a final evening under the stars before retiring to your cabin.


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Day 7: Return to Labuan Bajo

As your Komodo adventure draws to a close, savor a leisurely breakfast onboard before the yacht sets sail back to Labuan Bajo. Depending on your flight schedule, you may have time for a visit to the local market at Batu Cermin before being transferred to the airport. Our dedicated team will ensure a seamless departure and assist you until you’re ready to board your flight, leaving you with memories to last a lifetime.


Mutiara Laut - Yacht Charter Indonesia - Luxury Liveaboard

Contact Yacht Charter Indonesia: Your Gateway to Komodo Adventure

Ready to embark on a personalized luxury charter holiday in Indonesia? Our team of experts is here to turn your travel dreams into reality. Contact us today to discuss your holiday desires, shortlist available yachts, and prepare your personalized itinerary. From start to finish, we’ll be by your side to ensure a seamless and unforgettable journey through the stunning landscapes of Komodo National Park.

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